Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to be a good football player.


    • 1
      Strength-train for explosive movements through plyometrics and Olympic lifts. Plyometric exercises like box jumps and bounding sprints build quickness. Olympic lifts like power cleans and squats build explosive strength. Football requires speed and strength development for short bursts.
    • 2
      Practice the steps required by your position. Each position uses specific steps based on a called play or reaction to a called play. Practice the footwork repeatedly to build muscle memory.
    • 3
      Study film of the opposing team to learns their plays and develop game strategies. Film study creates an opportunity to learn the patterns of the opposing team. Understanding their regular plays and patterns leads to reads during the game that break their offensive plays and make your offense successful.
    • 4
      Practice and play with a team mentality. The success of an individual in a football game is dependent on the team. The success of offensive and defensive plays depends on each player following directions. Participate as a team player and maintain a positive relationship with your peers.
    • 5
      Develop an aggressive mentality for competition. Football is an intense contact sport, and you must mentally prepare for pain. Push through your personal pain and inflict hard hits on opposing players to gain a positive position in the game.
    • 6
      Listen to your coach and follow directions. The coach is typically experienced and provides a big picture view with the intention of winning games. Listening to the coach places you within the game plan and increases your chances of proving your skills on the field.

Read more: How to Be a Good Football Player |

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